Fellow SAA Member,

Enclosed you will find the 2019 Membership Survey. Much like AA and other 12 Step organizations have done in the past, SAA is now reaching out to all members to help us understand the demographics of our members. This will help us determine the best way to reach out to other suffering sex addicts and help us get our message to the professional community and public at large.

The data will be correlated and an infographic will be produced to display the data. Your anonymity will be maintained at all steps. It is imperative that all members of SAA fill out a survey for us to get an accurate picture of our fellowship. Much like the US Census, we need to know how our members are distributed so we can serve you and other addicts in your area better.

Please print copies of this survey for your groups because not everyone is on the SAA News distribution list. Each and every member of the fellowship should fill out this survey.

Please email, fax or mail the document to the ISO office:

PO BOX 70949
Houston, TX 77270
Fax 1-713-692-0105

Thank you for taking part and allowing the ISO Office to understand the status of our fellowship. An infographic of the results will be produced and shared with the fellowship.

If you have any questions, please email info@saa-recovery.org or call the office at 1-800-477-8191.

We have also attached the infographic for the Giving Hope a Voice campaign. Please share this with the fellowship and contact the ISO if you wish to donate.

Please use this link for the survey – http://www.discoverandrecover.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/surveypdf.pdf

Paul M
Executive Director